Bobby just won the Children’s BAFTA for Best Performer for his role as Rhydian Morris in CBBC’s Wolfblood, Bobby thanks his fans for all the love and support you have given him.
Archive for November, 2013
Anubis Fan Proud of Bobby
Bobby will personally answer emails as often as he can – the best questions will be answered in ‘Ask Bobby’
Hey Bobby, I’m very proud if how far you have come. I don’t know if you would consider me as one of the first fans. But I was there for house of anubis. Also a great show (kept you on your seat). I have to admit though. When I first heard about wolfblood I didn’t think that I was gonna like it. But I do it’s a amazing show. Your acting is just spot on. If you don’t mind I would like to ask a few questions. Did you have to wear contacts for wolfblood filming? Was it hard putting them in? How long have you been acting? Did you get along with all of your wolfblood cast mates? What are some things you like to do in your free time? What are some of the attractions that you really like going to in the UK? One last one. Is it really bobby that answers our questions and stuff or is it someone who works for him? Either way it’s cool! Thank you so much I hope to hear from you really soon!
Bobby – Thank you so much for taking the time to write to me and visit the site! That means a lot, especially from an Anubis fan! I wear contacts in normal day life so the yellow wolfblood lenses fairly easy to pop in! I have technically been acting professionally since I was 6! Yea all the wolfblood cast are awesome and spending 3 months of the year with them is fantastic. I spend a lot of time in London with my friends, it’s a wonderful city! And yes this is really me x